Life is full of beautiful sweet smelling roses that lit up a room, a loved one's face and decorates nature, yet right underneath it lays countless prickling thorns. Life is as it is, nothing is perfect. Though smell the roses enough and we won't mind having blood paid for the scent...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sex Ed Finally!!!

Now how long have western nations educate their young and growing on sex?
Malaysia had finally decided to take the first step after being so disgustingly closeminded and "traditional" and may implement Sex Ed next year!! and yes! that includes educating the muslims out here too!!
the interesting thing now is how Censored the sex ed would be
maybe...i.e"now if you insert the birdie into the nest, little birdies will appear 9 months later"
that would be a very amusing issue when this starts, if the govt doesnt chicken out last minute and decide that their young ones can continue fuckin their sisters and brothers and cousins and aunties and what not
Seriously, Sex Education is BADLY needed out here
Health Education is SERIOUSLY needed out here
how to take care of oneself - HYGIENE.....dont get me started
when i first moved back, i was actually shocked that the girls didnt fully understand the use of tampons, some even thought it would pop their cherries!
i had to show several girls how to use the damn cotton stick (of course no person was the dummy for the demo to be performed on. nasty)
Pap Smear?
yeah, girls go "whats that??" cockin their head to one side, dumbfound

ya'll really need allah to help ya'll
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